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Keyword search: Letter to the Editors

Displaying articles 41 to 60 out of 1942 total.

Letter: COGE: ridiculous!
01-31-2025 8:47 AM


Letter: End cruel cat declawing
01-31-2025 8:47 AM


Letter: Ratepayers need an independent advocate
01-31-2025 8:47 AM


Letter: To ignore or account for the costs of pollution?
01-29-2025 11:28 AM


Letter: Erosion of due process
01-29-2025 11:28 AM

Shame on our federal representatives Sen. Hassan, Sen. Shaheen and Reps. Pappas and Goodlander for voting for the Laiken Riley Act. This bill, proposed as some sort of “fix” to curb crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, means the erosion of due process for suspected criminals. The bill provides that anyone may suspect someone of a crime, round them up and send them off for deportation. All of this without seeing the inside of a courtroom or any of the provisions of due process our country provides. Are we to allow vigilantes to administer this street justice to people they think are undocumented? Are we to allow the xenophobes of the Trump Administration to smudge our Constitutional rights? I urge our representatives to get out of their bubbles more and talk with folks in immigrant communities. You’ll find hard-working, dedicated people who came here for a better life and the means to support their families. You’ll find children wanting free and fair education in our schools. To be sure, there are criminals in our country, but not disproportionately in immigrant communities. I want to be inspired by leaders in these times, not angry for their capitulation to the erosion of our freedoms.

Letter: Take Your Child to the Library Day
01-29-2025 11:28 AM

In 2011, retired librarian Nadine Lipman founded Take Your Child to the Library Day (TYCLD) at the Waterford Public Library in Connecticut with help from librarian Caitlin Augusta and author and illustrator Nancy Elizabeth Wallace. Since then, it has been a great ‘cabin fever’ event for many in New Hampshire. Bringing a child to the library opens a world of connection and inspiration, and it sparks a love for reading! As Library Director in Pembroke, I would encourage caregivers to bring children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews to a local library this year on Feb. 1. Get a library card, enjoy the space, connect with your neighbors and, of course, keep on reading.

Letter: Gov. Ayotte’s plans for the Granite State
01-29-2025 11:28 AM


Letter: A dire paramilitary threat
01-29-2025 6:00 AM


Letter: Trump’s despicable executive order
01-29-2025 6:00 AM


Letter: Pardons and ethical behavior
01-29-2025 6:00 AM

I believe that, speaking rhetorically, former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney has more balls than all the Proud Boys put together. The same goes for the men and women who stood their ground and did their jobs defending the Capitol on Jan. 6!

Letter: Never forget!
01-29-2025 6:00 AM

On Jan. 6, 2021, President Trump said to “never forget this day.” Now, he’s trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug. Are we really that gullible? I, for one, will never forget those who stormed the Capitol, assaulted police, desecrated the building and are now free. Trump is so hypocritical.

Letter: Jan. 6 pardons and mass deportations don’t serve the rule of law
01-29-2025 6:00 AM


Letter: President Trump’s army of felons
01-29-2025 6:00 AM


Letter: Concord’s priorities in need of realignment
01-27-2025 9:19 AM


Letter: Joe Biden is no FDR
01-27-2025 9:19 AM


Letter: Insatiable billionaires
01-27-2025 9:19 AM


Letter: The 25% Trump tariff
01-27-2025 9:19 AM


Letter: Suicide, by any name, is never the solution
01-23-2025 9:05 AM


Letter: The true cost of Beaver Meadow
01-23-2025 9:05 AM


Letter: They lied to us
01-23-2025 9:05 AM


Displaying articles 41 to 60 out of 1942 total.

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