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Keyword search: Letter to the Editors

Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 1942 total.

Letter: Under Trump, peace in the Middle East?
01-21-2025 12:14 PM


Letter: Local or state control of education
01-21-2025 12:14 PM


Letter: A ‘yes’ vote on the Big, Beautiful Bill
01-21-2025 12:14 PM


Letter: Warner River love
01-21-2025 9:46 AM

On Jan. 21 at 4 p.m., the Warner Selectboard will discuss permission for the Rail Trail to use the Town of Warner to apply for an additional $1.8 million in grants for their environmental wrecking-ball of a trail. This trail is proposed to run right up the heart of the Warner River, destroying forever a keystone of the rural community Warner loves. If you don’t want to trade selling a few ice cream cones for preservation of an increasingly rare exemplary riverine and riparian ecological community possessed of a rapidly declining biological diversity, then please contact the Selectboard or attend Tuesday’s meeting and voice your concerns.

Letter: Support for Beaver Meadow clubhouse
01-17-2025 10:16 AM

Linda Mattlage was spot on with her MyTurn “Why a new golf clubhouse is a good idea for Concord.” Phil Davis and his staff have done a wonderful job turning the course around in recent years and making money for the city. A new clubhouse will only make more money for the city! Good luck to Phil, his wonderful staff and the city of Concord in getting this done.

Letter: Ayotte’s shortsighted inaugural address
01-17-2025 10:16 AM


Letter: No “hate” for Trump
01-17-2025 10:16 AM

Supporters of President Donald Trump might judge his opposition as “hate.” Too simplifying. During his first run, Trump’s demeaning past talk of women’s bodies raised fast objections from Kelly Ayotte who said her teen daughter shouldn’t hear such language. This time around, Ayotte is saying her daughter is now older and can handle it.

Letter: Gov. Ayotte’s bad math
01-17-2025 10:16 AM


Letter: DEI and Wokeness
01-17-2025 10:16 AM


Letter: NH landfills are on life support
01-17-2025 10:16 AM

Having listened to the incoming governor (inauguration speech) for New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte, there were truths mixed with the missing details relative to those truths. One subject is very real and is looming around the corner. It is great that Dalton will not be subjected to a proposed landfill. However, nothing was cited as to what the state intends on doing concerning the fact that 40 percent of waste going into New Hampshire landfills is from out of state.

Letter: Interrogating vouchers
01-17-2025 10:16 AM


Letter: Lean, mean government machine
01-17-2025 10:16 AM


Letter: 24-hour warming needed now
01-16-2025 9:35 AM

  Now is indeed the time to study and plan for a 24-hour warming center for next year. Still, that won’t keep anyone warm now. There is an immediate need to keep people warm now, today, tonight, next week. Do you want to know why we see fires in homeless camps? Guess what? They’re trying to keep warm! It’s below-freezing out there! Temporary solutions must be found as soon as possible!

Letter: Same old, same old
01-16-2025 9:35 AM

Regarding a Jan. 11 My Turn, the writer provides the same old anti Israel, anti-semetic rhetoric that has been heard before. Fourteen paragraphs of attacks against Israel, without one sentence regarding the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, the heinous murders committed or the kidnapping of innocent Israelis who are being held in the tunnels in Gaza or by Gazan families. There is nothing in the article regarding Hamas using schools, mosques and hospitals as command centers or storage centers for weapons. No, there is no genocide in Gaza. What is happening is an unfortunate war initiated by Hamas using the people of Gaza as pawns in a game to destroy Israel and the Jewish people.

Letter: In defense of NH public schools
01-15-2025 11:05 AM


Letter: Kissing Trump’s Ring?
01-14-2025 3:00 PM


Letter: Counterintuitive, yet effective: Forests should be thinned
01-14-2025 3:00 PM


Letter: Social Security woes
01-14-2025 3:00 PM


Letter: From the perspective of colonized peoples
01-14-2025 3:00 PM


Letter: No to complicity in deporting children
01-14-2025 3:00 PM


Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 1942 total.

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