Letter: The consent of the governed

Published: 02-26-2025 8:31 AM

The Declaration of Independence states that governments derive their just powers from “the consent of the governed.” Last November, Concord voters, by passing two amendments to the school district charter by almost 70 percent, clearly stated that they did not consent to the school board relocating the middle school to Broken Ground.

After much foot-dragging, the school board finally relented on the location, but it is still proposing to spend around $165 million dollars on a middle school building. Concord residents are already being taxed to a breaking point, and one has to wonder if they will consent to this preposterous price tag, on top of the extravagant spending the city is proposing for other projects. It would come as no surprise if the next amendment to the school district charter puts a cap on the amount of money that the school board can spend without the consent of the governed.

Robert Maccini


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