Inmate back in custody after fleeing from Concord Hospital

Razor wire hangs from the fence at the reception area at the New Hampshire State Prison for Men in Concord.

Razor wire hangs from the fence at the reception area at the New Hampshire State Prison for Men in Concord. AP file

Monitor staff

Published: 02-24-2024 9:47 AM

An inmate who escaped late Friday while under supervision at Concord Hospital was detained just after midnight near Concord High School. He was taken into custody without incident.

The New Hampshire Department of Corrections, NH State Police, Concord Police Department, US Marshals, and other area law enforcement agencies responded to the hospital at 10:15 p.m. Friday for reports that Benjamin Ayala, 37, had fled on foot.

Just after midnight on Saturday morning, troopers with the NH State Police Special Enforcement Unit, with the assistance of a drone, located Ayala on Woodman Street.

The Department of Corrections transported Ayala back to the NH State Prison for Men where he is now in custody. Ayala’s escape is under investigation and additional charges are likely pending the outcome of that investigation.

Ayala is currently incarcerated for aggravated felonious sexual assault and multiple assault charges, with a current maximum release date of June 11, 2048.

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