Letter: No “hate” for Trump
Published: 01-17-2025 10:16 AM |
Supporters of President Donald Trump might judge his opposition as “hate.” Too simplifying. During his first run, Trump’s demeaning past talk of women’s bodies raised fast objections from Kelly Ayotte who said her teen daughter shouldn’t hear such language. This time around, Ayotte is saying her daughter is now older and can handle it.
I read a newspaper letter wherein a father rightly asked “what about my teen daughter?” Now all impressionable youth stand to witness Trump’s warped values. A felon for president?
Trump breaks all rules for respecting and being respectable. Jimmy Carter’s funeral service, wonderfully full of reminders of his stellar behavior and generous, good life, can’t be missed. It was a contrast with Trump’s life and attitude. My admiration for Carter and those he worked with, for his good works in the U.S. with Habitat for Humanity and mitigating diseases and standing up for fair elections around the world, had me considering Trump’s regular inclination to ask “what’s in it for me?”
Money motivates Trump. Grudges motivate Trump. Power-in-hand motivates Trump. Sycophantic admiration motivates Trump. I’m sad he’ll impact the country that I love. This isn’t hate. It’s weighing four years, yet to come, of harm and loss.
Lynn Rudmin Chong