Letter: Strong schools build strong communities
Published: 12-24-2024 6:00 AM |
Our schools need to be funded, and funded well. Public education is a critical underpinning of our society. While a majority of us understand that there is no such thing as a thriving community without a well funded public school system, unfortunately there is a small group of taxpayers who are either woefully uninformed about the positive social and economic impact of public education or actively seeking to threaten the vibrancy of our beloved community. Efforts such as these always do the most harm to the most vulnerable. The systems within the public education sector help to create pathways for upward mobility, ensure that children are safe, provide space for children to access critical services, expose early learners to a world of wonder, and so much more.
Strong school systems boost local economies and are a no brainer investment for taxpayers. Please show up at the deliberative session on Jan. 4 9 a.m. at KRHS to vote against the warrant article seeking to cap the budget per student in the Kearsarge Regional School District. A budget cut of this size would have grave effects on our community. Strong schools build strong communities.
Chelsea Williams
New London
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