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Keyword search: Claremont NH

White supremacist shot, killed in Claremont parking lot, N.H. AG says
05-13-2018 10:03 PM


A former prison gang leader who was active in the white supremacist movement died shortly after midnight on Sunday in the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant after being shot multiple times, according to the New Hampshire attorney general’s...

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Claremont’s Stone to seek another term as state representative
06-19-2024 2:32 PM


State Rep. Jon Stone, R-Claremont, who came under scrutiny earlier this year following the public release of disciplinary records that detail vile threats he made against fellow Claremont police officers 18 years ago, has filed to run for a second...

Rising liquor sales make the New Hampshire-Vermont border a booze battleground
06-07-2021 6:21 PM


In July, a new 10,300-square-foot New Hampshire Liquor & Wine Outlet will open in the Claremont Marketplace plaza on Washington Street, nearly doubling the space of its former store.Not everyone is raising a glass to toast the occasion.“That’s going...

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