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By Line search: RACHEL WACHMAN

Concord man dies at Jenness Pond in Northwood
09-05-2024 12:01 PM


Concord resident George Chapman, 68, died Wednesday after being found unconscious and not breathing in the water at Jenness Pond in Northwood, according to the New Hampshire State Police Marine Patrol.Authorities believe Chapman suffered a medical...

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‘How do we serve them for serving us?’: Nonprofit Swim With A Mission aims to give back to veterans
09-22-2024 12:00 PM


Mark Aquilino and Todd Wheatley spent countless hours this summer organizing a fishing tournament unlike any other. They brought together veterans on the seacoast with the Yankee Fishermen’s Co-Op, a local fishing group, for a multi-day competition to...

Some areas of Epsom don’t have broadband internet access. Town officials are working to change that
08-18-2024 12:01 PM


Lifelong Epsom resident Brittany Bishop works from home and sometimes struggles to connect to the internet. Some days, everything loads slowly, and others it does not load at all. When she cannot clock into her job on time, Bishop, a human resources...

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